UN Sustainable Development Goals
Казахстан, член Организации Интерспутник
Intersputnik as an organization pays great attention to projects and activities that contribute directly or indirectly to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proclaimed by the United Nations.

Education sets the foundation for improving social and economic conditions of people's lives…

Gender equality and expanding opportunities for all women and girls are fundamental human rights…

Inclusive and sustainable industrialisation can unleash competitive global economic forces…

Space technologies represent one of the most effective methods for operational monitoring of climate change…

Space technologies and the space economy can have a critical impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals…

Zero Hunger
According to current UN estimates, 690 million people in the world suffer from hunger. More than a quarter of a billion people in the world are potentially on the brink of starvation. By 2030, the number of people affected by food insecurity worldwide could rise to over 840 million. Increasing agricultural productivity and promoting sustainable food production, especially by supporting small and medium enterprises, should play a pivotal role in dealing with hunger. One of the most promising methods for increasing productivity is precision agriculture based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The use of IoT technologies in agriculture opens up a wide range of possible applications: from the intelligent monitoring of crops and livestock to environmental and weather monitoring, the use of drones and autonomous vehicles, precise irrigation and fertilisation through predictive models, irrigation and soil moisture management and many other possibilities. The introduction of a precision irrigation system, for example, can reduce water consumption by 75 per cent. By 2027, the precision farming market is estimated at $33В.
Satellites for precision farming
In modern precision farming systems, the control of machinery requires further correction of the data supplied by satellite navigation systems. Agricultural areas are generally outside the coverage area of mobile phone networks, so that in most cases the transmission of corrected data can only take place via satellite. Geostationary broadcasting satellites are well suited to this task as they cover large areas with high signal power. The correcting information from the central broadcasting station is delivered to the subscriber terminal, which is mounted on the serviced platform - any machine, system, vehicle, etc.. To receive the signal, a terminal with a small multi-sector antenna was developed that does not require precise tuning to the satellite and contains no moving mechanical parts. Tests showed a positioning accuracy of ±5 cm, which makes it possible to carry out practically all precision agricultural work. The implementation of parallel high-precision driving systems based on the presented technology enables savings of up to 20% in resources such as fuel, seeds, fertilisers, and working time.

Quality Education
Education sets the foundation for improving social and economic conditions of people's lives. Over the last ten years, significant progress has been made in improving access to education and expanding school enrolment, especially for girls. However, according to UN, the number of children of school age who do not attend educational institutions still amounts to 57 million worldwide. More than half of them live in sub-Saharan Africa, where the rate of providing modern ICT services is still among the lowest in the world. And specifically in such regions satellite communication plays an outstanding role in supporting educational programmes. Satellite technologies enable distance learning, the operation of interactive education systems and widespread access to knowledge for remote and isolated communities. The combination of broadcasting and streaming technologies enables the satellite-based mass distribution of general educational content as well as the delivery of personalised tasks. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exposed serious shortcomings in the provision of broadband services to the Earth's population, many countries in Asia-Pacific, Africa and South America have implemented programmes to extend ICT services to the remote regions, using space based technologies. During the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda, significant strides were taken with the introduction of concrete commitments aimed at delivering high-quality modern information and communication services to remote and underdeveloped regions. Technologies of satellite communication are expected to play a crucial role in implementing these resolutions.

Gender Equality
Gender equality and expanding opportunities for all women and girls are fundamental human rights and essential prerequisites for the prosperity and sustainable development of humanity. The development of technology and the growth of the space economy as a whole are encouraging women to acquire knowledge and pursue careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. Innovations in the space sector can be leveraged to tackle specific development challenges encountered by women. The inclusive and secure environment within modern companies in the high-tech sector promotes the professional and career advancement of women based on their individual abilities and talents. Despite recent advancements, gender disparities persist, and the absence of universal and equitable access to quality education remains a significant challenge. Satellite technology is set to change this situation. Through satellite broadband, educational programmes can be implemented, fostering women's entrepreneurship and professional development by providing access to training materials, legal and regulatory framework, and connections with other successful women across various fields. Working in international partnership, Intersputnik fosters the achievement of the UN goals – introduction of a series of distance learning courses on space topics is just one example of support for women joining ICT, including space industry. These courses were developed for Intersputnik Members and Signatories, yet training is available to all those who are interested upon request.
Decent Work and Economic Growth

The space industry, as a primary catalyst for global economic growth, generates highly skilled employment opportunities by inspiring and engaging young individuals to pursue education and career advancement in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines. Satellite industry players, along with public and governmental organisations, are committed to maximising the efficient utilisation of space technologies to tackle the urgent social and economic challenges facing the humanity. Bridging the digital divide and equal access to modern digital services enables the population in remote regions and hard-to-reach areas to participate more actively in social and economic activities. Satellite communications not only play a key role in providing digital services to people, but also create a global ICT environment that enables individuals to participate in the economy, create decent jobs, and improve living standards anywhere on Earth.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, coupled with innovation and infrastructure, can unleash competitive global economic forces that boost employment and income. They play a pivotal role in introducing new technologies, facilitating international trade, and ensuring the efficient utilisation of resources. The United Nations identifies mobile broadband as a cornerstone for constructing resilient infrastructure and fostering industrialisation and innovation. Satellite backhaul is an essential technology for extending mobile communications and broadband services to remote and hard-to-reach regions. This technology enables the deployment of a mobile base station almost anywhere on the planet in a short period of time. 5G networks and industrial Internet systems implemented on their basis are becoming a powerful driver of satellite backhaul development. They allow to control and manage infrastructure facilities' operation as well as development in regions with insufficient coverage by terrestrial networks.
Project in Madagascar
With the support of Intersputnik, Isatel implemented a project of deployment of a corporate satellite communications network of the National Social Insurance Fund on the island of Madagascar. The primary objective of the project was to provide connectivity in the regions with undeveloped infrastructure, thereby ensuring local population with an access to socially significant services. Meanwhile, satellite communications emerged as the sole viable option, considering that laying cables and installing required equipment would have inflicted considerable damage on the island's unique ecosystem. The project used the bandwidth on Azerspace-1 (46°E), the satellite of Intersputnik Signatory from Azerbaijan. A hub was established in the city of Antananarivo, with 45 remote terminals located across the island. These terminals are operated by approximately 30 local young professionals who received specialised training as part of the project.

Climate Action
Space technologies represent one of the most effective methods for operational monitoring of climate change and early warning of weather-related and natural disasters. Earth remote sensing systems enable the tracking of global processes such as air mass movements, thereby enabling regions to prepare in advance and minimise the impact of events like hurricanes. IoT systems monitor the dynamics of private parameters, such as temperature, and help combating localised disasters. For instance, IoT fire warning systems can rapidly pinpoint fires by utilising data from temperature sensors. Satellite communications play an important role for fast deployment of communications in the regions affected by natural disasters. This is primarily essential for rescue operations, as well as for the effective functioning of public administration institutions, medical facilities, and educational institutions. In addition to communications, analysing disaster management requires access to large amounts of data. Satellite broadband cloud services are now used for this purpose more intensive.
Space activities in support of the SDGs

Space technologies and the space economy can have a critical impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Earth remote sensing systems already play a crucial role in climate preservation, disaster prevention, environmental protection, optimising natural resource development and utilisation, as well as in enhancing overall security for humanity and individuals. Satellite communication enables the provision of modern information and communication services to residents of the most remote and undeveloped regions. In this way, they gain access to better education, medical counselling, professional development opportunities, and participation in social life. The development of space industry and national space programmes are drawing attention of an increasing number of individuals, particularly young people, to careers in high-tech industries. This trend not only encourages further education but also diminishes geographical, age, and gender barriers.