Advantages of Intersputnik

Вид на бульвар Нуржол, Астана
Казахстан, член Организации Интерспутник

Unique assetsAltText

Special international legal status, unique package of technical and marketing assets, technical facilities including geographically distributed network of satellite teleports of member countries and Signatory operators, and frequency bandwidth of more than 30 satellites with global coverage.

Resource adaptivityAltText

The ability to promptly meet the communication and broadcasting needs of customers in any part of the world by utilising the Intersputnik’s shared satellite fleet, infrastructure, human resources and skills to provide high quality services to connect remote locations at affordable prices.

Global roamingAltText

global roaming capabilities between isolated satellite telecommunication networks for third-party mobility platforms using the shared satellite infrastructure of Intersputnik Signatories (30+ satellites and a worldwide distributed teleport network).

Global VNOAltText

Global Virtual Network Operator model allows Intersputnik to benefit from access to a wide range of satellite bandwidth, teleports, as well as to communication and broadcasting networks around the world. The customer may choose from a selection of services on any technological platform in any region and in any frequency bandwidth.

A single point of entryAltText

for end customers to acquire managed end-to-end services in connecting remote points or deploying hybrid (satellite and terrestrial) seamless distributed networks for communication, broadcasting or control (monitoring).

Own orbit and frequencyresourceAltText

having its own orbit and frequency resource (OFR) as well as the OFRs of Members and Signatories allows Intersputnik to build HTS satellites under a cooperative model using national frequency assignments for continuous coverage of a specific geographical region or vertical market.

Team and competenciesAltText

the ability to build a team of people with competencies across any geographic region and vertical market, application or industry to implement a specific satellite telecommunications or broadcasting project.

Regional presenceAltText

25 member countries and direct contacts with national telecom regulators and telecommunications operators ensure a wide geographical coverage and support of local projects.

Personalised approachAltText

Intersputnik does not bear direct costs of maintaining and operating a cumbersome fleet of satellites and ground infrastructure. This allows to carry out flexible technical policy and to make a precise selection of resources for effective project implementation, including cost-effective approach. The variability of available technical facilities creates good conditions for this. As a result- Intersputnik acts as some kind of a global satellite communications marketplace.

Programme of Searching for PotentialPartnersAltText

Interested in Carrying Out Space Communications Projects. The aim of the Programme is to develop and implement joint projects focused on the efficient use of Intersputnik's OFR, development of advanced satellite services with global coverage, including VNO model and cloud-based technologies, deployment and maintenance of satellite communication networks in evolving and new market segments, including mobility.